This is a series of lessons on the proper way to read from the Torah for the congregation from Dr. Herman Birch.
Rather than teaching the melodic values for the various trop symbols, the lessons will deal with errors that I notice many readers make—errors that to them may seem picayune and inconsequential, but which make a substantial difference in the meaning of the text. These are errors that the gabbai sheni will pass over lest they seem unduly picky.
The Old Torah Reader
Getting the Tense Right – The Vav of Reversal Part 1 – Lesson 1
Getting the Tense Right – The Vav of Reversal Part 2 – Lesson 2
Look-Alike Trop – Lesson 3
The Hidden “The” – In the, To the, Like the – Lesson 4
ET and AIT – Lesson 5
Where is the Accent? – Lesson 6