Join us for Shabbat Services: Friday at 6:00 pm, Saturday at 9:30 am
An egalitarian Conservative congregation serving the diverse Orange County Jewish Community



I learned a new word today, “febrile.” It was in a headline describing the financial markets. Febrile means feverish: a description of the wide swings in the Dow. As we move toward High Holydays, our economy is unsteady and some of our congregants are challenged with job searches. Know that our synagogue is committed to…

Meditation Coupled with Prayer

The early pious ones would meditate (shohim)for one hour before “the prayer” (ha’tefilla). Mishnah Berakhot 5:1 Most mornings, for close to twenty years, I have sat for a designated period of time observing my breath mindfully (shohim) before commencing my traditional daily prayers. Meditation and formal prayer are complementary. Through meditation, I gain deeper calm and hone my concentration. I become more…

Shavuot: A Celebration of God, Torah and Spiritual Genius

God wrote E=MC2. “Einstein,” you say. “Yes, him too.” I once asked my teacher and the editor of the Etz Hayim Bible, “Who wrote the Bible?” “People,” he replied. “And what was the place of God?” I persisted. “God enables genius, whether in Shakespeare, Mozart, or a great scientist. The Torah is a work of spiritual genius.” My teachers in Rabbinical School…