Join us for Shabbat Services: Friday at 6:00 pm, Saturday at 9:30 am
An egalitarian Conservative congregation serving the diverse Orange County Jewish Community

In 1989, Memorial Scrolls Trust lent Sefer Torah #503 from Brno to Congregation B’nai Israel. It is one of the 1,564 Czech Memorial Sifre Torah which constituted part of the treasures looted by the Nazis during the 1939-1945 war from the desolated Jewish communities of Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia.  They had been cared for by the Czechloslovak Government for many years, and were acquired, with the good-will of the Czechoslovak Government, by good friends from Artia (the State Cultural Agency) for Westminster Synagogue, where they arrived on the 7th of February 1964.

Some of the collection remain at Westminster Synagogue, a permanent memorial to martyrs from whose synagogues they come; many of them are distributed throughout the world, to be memorials everywhere to the Jewish tragedy, and to spread light as harbingers of future brotherhood on earth; and all of them bear witness to the glory of the holy Name.

Information regarding the Memorial Scrolls Trust can be found at: