For Services in the Courtyard
- All congregants must RSVP, and indicate whether they are attending alone, or if with a group of family or members of a cohabiting group, how many are in their party.
- All attendees must sign the Waiver and provide an executed copy to the Office.
- Participants should not attend if feeling ill, are feverish, or have been in close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
- Each attendee must bring a face mask or appropriate cloth face covering and wear it over their nose and mouth at all times while on premises.
- All attendees must follow any screening precautions that are in place.
- All attendees (except members of cohabiting groups) must practice social distancing, maintain minimum 6’ separation at all times, and avoid all physical contact with one another. Hugging, kissing, shaking hands are discouraged.
- Shomrim, ushers, and greeters will open courtyard and pedestrian gates during peak periods when congregants/visitors are entering and exiting. At no time is any door to the facility to be propped open unless guarded.
- All attendees must use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol) upon entering and exiting the courtyard.
- Staff shall arrange assigned seating based on reservations; attendees agree to adhere to the seating arrangements. Ushers will enforce 6’ social distancing except among non-cohabitating groups.
- Participants should move directly to their seats, and not linger in the entrance or periphery.
- Rest room access is limited to two people at a time, with social distancing rules maintained. Handwashing after use (min. 20 seconds, with soap) is required.
- Individuals must bring and use their own personal tallit and head covering, and are encouraged to bring their own Chumash and Siddur if they have one.
For Services Indoors
- All of the above apply.
- Participants’ temperature may be screened using contactless thermometers before entering the premises; those with temperatures above 100.4*F will not be permitted entry.
- Entry to the Sanctuary will be through the regular entrance on the east (main office) side of the building.
- Greeters in the lobby will endeavor to ensure social distancing, to include reminding those engaged in discussions to keep proper distance.
- Participants must move directly to their seats, or move outdoors, and not linger in the vestibule.