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An egalitarian Conservative congregation serving the diverse Orange County Jewish Community

Rabbi Spitz’s Blog (Page 8)

Torah: Sukkoth

Sukkoth The prophet Amos declared (3:8),“Shall a lion roar and who would not fear?” My Talmud teacher, Dr. Elieser Slomovic, said that in the mountains of Eastern Europe where he grew up they did not have lions. But, pious Jews lived with fear of God and read the word lion in Hebrew- ERYeH- as an acronym for the milestones of this penitential…

Torah: Ha’Azinu

Ha’Azinu: Our Torah reading begins, “Give ear, O heavens, let me speak; Let the earth hear the words that I utter!” The reference to the heavens and earth listening are only metaphors. Paganism believed that nature in all its parts was alive. Spirits possessed trees and lakes and the sky. Those spirits were fickle and demanded bribes. Priests offered incantations to those unpredictable…

Small Groups Launch Tonight

Dear Friends, Tonight is the launch of CBI’s small groups 5777: “Living a Life of Significance: Why Judaism Matters.” We ordered more copies of the booklet after running out of the 350 original. Please pick up a copy tonight if you have not yet done so. You may also access the material geared to group…

Torah: Va’Yeilekh

Va’Yeilekh: God’s final command to Moses, as conveyed in this week’s parashah, is “Write a [farewell] song to the people” (Deuteronomy 31:19). Songs are poems put to music. They have added power because music evokes and amplifies emotion. It also allows us to memorize. Hence, we learn the a,b,c’s and the aleph bet with a melody. Likewise, the power of Kol Nidre, which we…

L’shanah tovah from CBI!

L’shanah tovah u’metukah– May you be blessed with a good and sweet new year! The rabbis explain that what is good may emerge from struggle and even pain. In looking forward we pray that the new year will allow that goodness to emerge from ease and joy. From my family and me to you: Blessings…

Torah: Nitzavim

L’shanah tovah u’metukah– May you be blessed with a good and sweet new year! The rabbis explain that what is good may emerge from struggle and even pain. In looking forward we pray that the new year will allow that goodness to emerge from ease and joy. From my family and me to you: Blessings of a 5777 of health, abundant harvest,…

An Israel Travel Adventure: 2017

An Israel Travel Adventure: Touching the Spirit & Soul of Israel, 2.0 October 15 – 27, 2017 Sponsored by: Community Scholar Program, Congregation B’nai Israel & Temple Beth El of South Orange County Itinerary crafted by Arie Katz, Rabbi Elie Spitz and Rabbi Kvod Wieder Travel company – Makor Educational Journey – Sign up…

Torah: Ki Tavo

Ki Tavo: “And it shall be that when you come into the land which the Ever-Present-One your God is giving you as a heritage and you possess and settle in it, you shall take some of the first fruit…” In the Torah, that act of gratitude is coupled with specific words for the pilgrim, words that we echo in the telling of…

Sunday night goes on: Review, articles, and the video from the Peter Beinart and Daniel Gordis debate

Dear Friends, CBI was at its best this past Sunday night, enabling an illuminating and at times heated conversation between two leading Jewish thinkers on the nature of Zionism and Jewish belonging. As you will see from selected emails below, the audience ranged in its political orientation and yet, consistently expressed gratitude for the level…

Torah: Shoftim

Shof’tim: “And judges and police you shall place in your gates,” so our parashah begins. But why? Evolutionary psychology explains that we are bred for altruism to enable survival as a group and yet simultaneously, we have a strong impulse to put our own needs first. Sadly, exaggerated fears, greed, and selfishness create disorder and suffering. Rabbi Hananiah, the Deputy High Priest of first century…