Tuesday, May 23rd, I begin a three-part series on “Sleeping Well,” the product of two years of research. The topic of the first class is on the nature of sleep, as seen by the rabbis and modern researchers. Some of the questions to consider: “Why is sleep necessary? Why is it often such a challenge to sleep well and why as a societal trend are we sleeping less? How much sleep do we need? Can we train ourselves to sleep less? Why is a nap on Shabbat such an ingrained Jewish custom?”
The second class will focus on the nature of dreams and the third on traditional rituals and guided meditations as aids before and after sleep. I look forward to sharing this evening with you, and hope not to put you to sleep during my talk and instead enhance your rest afterwards.
If you want to learn more about the details of sleep, considering looking at these materials that I have written: http://www.cbi18.org/sleep/.
Your Rabbi,
Tuesday nights, 7:15-8:45pm
May 23, June 6 & 13
$5 per session, Coffee and dessert will be served
Additional Session:
Tuesday, May 30 at 9pm
No charge as part of Shavuot program
My current research focuses on sleep, an activity that we need and that takes up a good part of our lives. I will share with you sacred and contemporary texts that deal with dreams and their interpretation; how much and when to sleep; and prayers and poems to ease from wakefulness to repose.